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Ajay Allman, Sameer Jones & Samson Schneider

Ajay Allman, Sameer Jones & Samson Schneider

By Sameer Jones

Staff Reporter

Sophomore Samson Schneider is a passionate writer, returning for his second year as a reporter on The Sentry. Schneider attributes joining The Sentry to his enthusiasm for writing in general. This enthusiasm was expressed in his enjoyment of English class this year.

“I’ve really been enjoying English recently. Other years it hasn’t been as in-depth, but this year I really like digging into literature and the real intricacies in it,” Schneider said.

In addition to writing, Schneider shares a passion for playing football. He is a quarterback on the junior varsity team at our school.

“It’s what I’ve been playing as a kid. In about seventh grade, I had to pick between football and baseball, and I just ended up picking football and that just led me to where I am,” Schneider said.

Sadly, Schneider’s goals have shifted toward recovery as he battles a recent foot injury. Fortunately for Schneider, he doesn’t need a good foot to root for his favorite college football team, The Ohio State Buckeyes.

Schneider’s enthusiasm for football and other sports carries over into The Sentry, where he tends to write in the Sports section. He also expressed excitement over The Sentry’s One Day Issue.

“We get to go to none of our classes and basically sit in Patriot Hall and eat and formulate an article. That’s probably one of my favorite days of the school year,” Schneider said.

Schneider displays his affection for writing in what he describes as his greatest accomplishment.

“About a year ago, I was really happy I could make it in [The Sentry],” Schneider said.

In his free time, Schneider enjoys a few television shows and movies.

“I watch shows like Brooklyn Nine Nine and that type of stuff. I like Batman and the Dark Knight,” Schneider said.

Additionally, Schneider shares his affection for one video game in particular, Fortnite.

Schneider only shared one complaint regarding our school.

“Elevators breaking. I have to use the elevators now. It almost broke on me yesterday and I got stuck between two floors. At least we have elevators,” Schneider said.

Schneider’s rather positive view can be attributed to his general nature.

“I would say I’m just a pretty happy person in general. I haven’t had a lot of days where I just feel super sad. If I have, it hasn’t lasted, so it has been pretty nice. The last couple years, especially in high school, I’ve been pretty happy,” Schneider said.

Schneider’s music taste leans toward Christian country music, in a more simplistic manner. Schneider’s palate, on the other hand, is on the sophisticated side.

“My favorite food is probably quiche,” Schneider said.

When it comes to food, anyone can pretend to be mature and sophisticated, but we all have a nostalgic attachment to some childhood favorites. Schneider’s can be seen with one of his favorite food combinations.

“I think mac and cheese and ketchup is kind of nice,” Schneider said.

Schneider’s sights are set on academic success and a possible editor position in the future. Despite getting tackled in the wrong way, Schneider is ready to tackle the new year the right way.


By Ajay Allman

Staff Reporter

“I really like pineapple on pizza. It’s probably my favorite topping, which is pretty extreme to some people,” first-year reporter and sophomore Sameer Jones said.

Beginning his first year on staff, Jones is coming in hot with his controversial takes.

“It’s a balance of sweet and salty, which we know goes together. It’s the same as if you take your fries and dip them into a frosty,” Jones said.

As evident in his ability to support his “pineapple-belongs-on-pizza” stance, Jones is an opinionated and persuasive person. English teacher and newspaper advisor Chrissy Wiedemann saw this potential.

“She pulled me aside and she told me that maybe I would be a good fit for the newspaper,” Jones said.

Not only is Jones a skilled writer, but also a notable athlete. Qualifying for the district track meet last year and running an exceptional time, Jones spends a majority of his time pursuing his love for running.

“I’m also just a competitive person, and I guess, an athletic person in general. So it’s a good sport for me. And you can train pretty hard and see visible progress in how you do. It’s nice to know that the work paid off,” Jones said.

Jones, in addition to being an athletic person, is also quite the insightful spirit. He observes the world around him through his own unique lens.

“I’m always thinking about something pretty deep a lot of the day, and you can’t really see that on the surface,” Jones said.

Jones operates on an especially high wavelength. His enlightened insight on the world is further expanded through his love for learning. Jones’ favorite subject is history.

“I just want to learn more about what happened in the past,” Jones said.

His interests are evident in his taste in movies. Jones’ favorite film is National Treasure. Its interesting plot is better explained by himself.

“It’s about this guy who’s a treasure hunter, and he believes that the next clue to find this big treasure is on the back of the Declaration of Independence. So that starts his big action packed journey,” Jones said.

The movie seems to be an amalgamation of Jones’ interests and attributes. Adventurer, athlete and insightful writer, Jones is a talented man whose time on the Sentry will most definitely make an impact.


By Samson Schneider

Staff Reporter

Entering his junior year, Ajay Allman is already highly esteemed within The Sentry. In his second year on staff, Allman is already the editor of the Opinion section. Allman is both motivated and open-minded.

Assets like these will help him to be the best editor, and person, that he can be. Along with that, Allman is also involved in the community. He has taken it upon himself to lead people to having healthier relationships throughout their lives.

“I’m the co-chair of a committee called the Healthy Relationships Task Force (HRT). I try to help with the education of what a healthy relationship looks like,” Allman said.

Outside of class, Allman is an experienced leader, helping prepare him for the responsibility of being an editor.

“It is a little scary to be honest (being an editor). And because I’ve only been on the staff for one year, it feels good to have a position like the one I’m in. Overall, I just feel very passionate about what I’m doing,” Allman said

Inspired by his brother, Josh, who was formerly the Opinion Editor on The Sentry, Allman joined The Sentry staff. Just over a year later he was elected editor of the opinion section, one of the most prominent sections in the newspaper. Allman’s impressive character is a result of his holistic approach to different communities.

“I kind of go into several different parts and I think that shapes me as a person because I just get a lot of different perspectives,” Allman said.

Allman describes himself as fun to be around, and a generally laid back guy. But also, Allman is very driven and focused.

“I’d say I’m pretty motivated, especially when it comes to school. I really enjoy learning. That’s really a big value of mine.” Allman said

Although Allman loves learning, he still favors certain classes over others.

“My favorite subject is bio. I am currently taking AP biology and I’ve really just loved the subject all throughout high school.

Although Allman is in just his second year on staff, it is clear that he is up for the task of being an editor. His motivation and work ethic will make way for him to become an exceptional editor.

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About the Contributors
Sameer Jones
Sameer Jones, Reporter
Sameer Jones is a junior returning for his second year on The Sentry. His favorite classes are English and History. He is a proud member of our school's track and cross-country teams. In his free time, he likes going to art museums, reading and watching The Office or Parks and Recreation.
Ajay Allman
Ajay Allman, Opinion Editor
Senior Ajay Allman is The Sentry's Opinion Editor and is in his third year on staff. He's excited to lead the Opinion section for a second year and help share the perspectives of our school. In addition to his love for journalism, he loves to explore what is right with people, spending his time researching the field of positive psychology. Outside of school, he loves to try out cooking different cuisines and expand his taste in tunes.
Samson Schneider
Samson Schneider, Reporter
Samson Schneider is a junior reporter for The Sentry. This is Schneider's third year on staff. Outside of class, Schneider is a football player and enjoys lifting weights and watching sports. He is looking forward to another great year on staff.