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Matthew Wagner & Sydney Pons

Matthew Wagner & Sydney Pons

By Sydney Pons

Staff Reporter

“Ding, ding, ding.” By the third ring of Yorktown’s final period bell, senior Matthew Wagner’s foot is out the door. For Wagner, the bliss of a Friday afternoon is incomparable to any other day of the week.

“When that bell rings at 3:10, I book it out of school, go meet up with friends and just have a great time,” Wagner said.

Considering his desire to be with friends and socialize with others, Wagner considers himself an extravert. While recognizing the importance of spending time alone, he thrives in a social scene.

“I definitely feed off energy from other people. If I’m having a little bit of a down day or i’m just tired, being with some friends can get my energy up pretty quickly,” Wagner said.”

Wagner’s social inclinations are quite convenient given his parents’ more laid-back approach to parenting. Being the youngest child out of three, independence is not something he lacks.

“You know my parents are a little bit more hands off I guess. So I’m a little bit more independent than other people are,” Wagner said.

For Wagner, having two older siblings has given him an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. He has been able to avoid unpleasant circumstances his siblings have previously faced.

“Having older siblings to lead the way a little bit and light up the path is really helpful cause I know that I can take at least two different paths and they both workout,” said Wagner.

If there is one thing that can provoke Wagnor, it is the lack of effort put into parallel parking. Since optimal student parking is limited, competition is fierce. It takes one lousy parking job to eliminate the availability of multiple other spaces.

“I see people like a foot off the curb, 3 feet away from other cars and that really is frustrating because there are probably 3 to 5 more spots that could potentially be taken if people could parallel park. It is something that really irritates me, especially when I’m trying to get to school because I usually run late.”Wagner said.”

Late for what reason? Wagner is often on the move, dedicating his time attending club meetings of all sorts. He is a devoted president of three clubs at Yorktown, Model General Assembly (MGA), Water Club and Young Democrats. Wagner’s involvement in extracurricular clubs has given him an opportunity to make a genuine impact on the school.

“I think as an active member of the community it helps me get to know the people better, helps make meaningful connections. I feel like I’m making my mark on the school,” Wagner said.

Entering his third year reporting for the Yorktown Sentry, Wagner is eager to fulfill his duties as the new Sports Editor. He is looking forward to his final year on staff and is ready for the bright year ahead.


By Matthew Wagner

Staff Reporter

From the second she walked into third period, it became clear that Sydney Pons was not your average sophomore. She has an exceptional ear for music, with constantly changing tastes representing her ever-changing feelings.

“[My music taste] changes from day to day, and even hourly, but I always try to play music that matches my mood,” Pons said.

Pons has taken an interest in playing music after being exposed to various genres from a young age.

“I play the acoustic guitar, and I used to take piano lessons, but I was never as good at it. My piano teacher became my guitar teacher, and I’ve had him for two years. I really enjoy it,” Pons said.

Even though music played an important role in Pons’ upbringing, she recalled her second grade move to Czechia as being.

“[Our family] had an opportunity to move there for a year. We did a lot of traveling, visiting 11 countries and 30 cities while we were there,” Pons said.

Pons’ time in Czechia broadened her horizons and gave her a different perspective on day-to-day life.

“It makes me think about how grateful I am to be able to travel. Many people don’t get to travel out of the U.S. until they’re older. I’m very privileged to have done so at such a young age,” Pons said.

Although music and travel are pivotal aspects of her life, education is always top of mind. Pons, like thousands of other students at our school, has had to learn to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

“I try to get all my academic stuff done during school hours, before I get to enjoy time with friends, so that [assignments are] not weighing me down because I want to be present in whatever I’m doing,” Pons said.

After the school year ends, Pons knows how to kick back and enjoy her summer break.

“Our family likes to take trips to Isle of Palms in South Carolina. My dad’s aunt has a house there. I usually bring a friend. It’s a beautiful house, and close to the beach,” Pons said.

Pons can also appreciate a hard day’s work and a well earned dollar. Last summer, she enjoyed working at Upton Hill.

“I started off working at the mini golf course and then they moved me up to the ropes course, which is more difficult…. [I] made a lot of older friends that I still have now. I’m grateful for the connections that Upton gave me,” Pons said.

Sydney Pons is a positive, eccentric patriot. She brings passion and talent to an already-wonderful Sentry staff. Although she is new to the paper, it is certain that Pons has a shining-bright future in the class.

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About the Contributors
Sydney Pons
Sydney Pons, Reporter
Sydney Pons is a sophomore reporter entering her first year on The Yorktown Sentry. She is a passionate writer inspired by her love for creativity. Outside of school, Sydney enjoys playing guitar and listening to a variety of music. Currently, her free time is spent playing on our school's JV volleyball team.
Matthew Wagner
Matthew Wagner, Sports Editor
Matthew Wagner is a senior and Sports Editor for The Yorktown Sentry. This is Wagner's third year on staff and first year as an editor. Outside the classroom, Wagner can typically be found lifting, golfing or doing homework. He is an avid sports fan and is looking forward to a fantastic final year on staff.