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Josh Bodenstein, Olivia Pang and Céleste Wetmore

Josh Bodenstein, Olivia Pang and Céleste Wetmore

By Josh Bodenstein

Instructional Technologies Coordinator

How would a baguette move: like a snake or like a worm? First-year reporter Olivia Pang is very opinionated on the subject but did not choose either of the two options.

“You know the worm dance? It would move like that because it can’t bend like an actual worm,” Pang said.

Even though this is Pang’s first year on The Sentry, Pang knows all about the class and joined at the advice of former Head Editor Ryan Cole. With her interest in the newspaper along with her love for writing, Pang knew that this class would be an instant fit for her. 

When not writing for The Sentry, you can find Pang playing soccer. She has been playing the sport for most of her life and does not plan on stopping soon. 

“This year, I don’t do a lot; I have so much homework. My free time is just soccer at this point,” Pang said.

With her extensive sports knowledge and love for writing, Pang is willing to write for any section but is most interested in the sports section. Along with her love for athletics, Pang is looking forward to sharing her opinions with readers.

“I do like opinion, because it’s more free. You don’t have to worry about being as unbiased; you can really show your opinion,” Pang said.

In order to stay motivated, Pang relies on her friends’ energy. If you rely on friends for motivation, you need to have trustworthy friends, and when Pang is looking for a friend, she wants someone nice and caring. Honesty is also a crucial policy for her, and she does not like when others lie to her.

“I’m okay if they lie to me a few times, but if they do it over and over that’s when my trust just falls, and I find it harder to want to be their friend anymore,” Pang said.

Along with her excellent writing skills and vast sports knowledge, Pang’s charismatic personality, love for all things sports and creative spark are sure to make the first-year reporter a welcome member of The Yorktown Sentry team.


By Olivia Pang

Staff Reporter

In 2021, after two years of COVID isolation, Céleste Wetmore’s excitement to return to school and be released from her shell drove her to try new things. She started her career as a reporter and merchandise designer for The Yorktown Sentry, but this year, senior Wetmore returns for her second year on staff as Head Editor. Wetmore’s interest in The Sentry has brought her to where she is today. 

“I heard that it was a special class with a lot of opportunity for growth and new relationships, so that is what really drew me to it, and it didn’t disappoint,” Wetmore said.

Wetmore would love to write for her university’s newspaper or magazine, but continuing journalism as a career seems to be crossed off her list. 

“I definitely want to keep writing and editing no matter in what context; I definitely want to continue that. It is something I enjoy, and if I didn’t do it seriously, I would definitely continue as a hobby,” Wetmore said.

When not at school writing for The Sentry, Wetmore likes to spend her summers with her family. Last summer, her adventures took her to a bilingual camp in Montreal and to France to explore her culture, history and roots.

“I visited some of my extended family, and it was really nice to spend time with them and practice my French,” Wetmore said.

As the youngest of four, Wetmore has built up many memories with her family. 

“We would always walk my dog around the block. Sometimes we would go on long walks and go to a nearby church and let my dog run around in the grass. One time, we did that after a snowstorm, and my dog loved the snow, so we walked her up to that church and took her off the leash. She just ran around and dug in the snow. That was really fun,” Wetmore said.

With Wetmore’s experience and dedication to The Sentry, coming up with a piece of advice to share with its future members was not hard. 

“I would say you get out of this class what you put in. If you want to succeed and become an amazing writer, then you can do that. All you need to do is put in the effort, ask a lot of questions and not doubt yourself. The sky’s the limit,” Wetmore said.

With Wetmore’s confidence and diligence, she will go far in her position as Head Editor. The Sentry cannot wait to see what Wetmore’s final year on staff and her future have to offer. 


By Céleste Wetmore

Head Editor

Sophomore Josh Bodenstein has loved computers for as long as he can remember. He can recall exploring his first computer at just four years old, before an interest in video games or books came along. Bodenstein will be channeling his interests in writing and technology during his first year on staff as The Sentry’s first ever Instructional Technology Coordinator.

Although his passion for technology is unmatched, Bodenstein finds much joy in sailing. This summer, Bodenstein truly came full circle: he worked as a counselor at the same camp where his nine-year-old self first learned how to sail.

“Sailing and being with the kids was really fun, because kids have such an interesting perspective on everything,” Bodenstein said. 

When he wasn’t on the Potomac, Bodenstein spent his free time helping a friend code a summer project. The software resembles Canvas, which, according to this techie, could use some improvement. However, his grievances with Canvas don’t end there—Bodenstein identifies one of his biggest pet peeves as the system that, ironically, our school uses. 

“The third line of code on Canvas makes no sense,” Bodenstein said. 

When he’s not coding websites or working with kids, you might find Bodenstein eating some of his favorite foods. When presented with the choice of eating any one food for the rest of his life, Bodenstein would have to commit to Thai food. 

“Asian flavors all go together, so choosing Thai food keeps it pretty broad,” Bodenstein said. 

While he loves a good Thai meal, Bodenstein wouldn’t characterize himself as a noodle or spring roll. He can be sweet or tart; what could he be other than an apple?

“It’s something you can eat all the time, and I think you can talk to me whenever,” Bodenstein said.

Food seems to be built into Bodenstein’s life—he celebrates his birthday on Pi Day year after year. He doesn’t mind this coincidence, as he believes pie to be superior to cake. 

“Pie is just better, and it can be eaten really whenever, whereas I feel like cake requires a birthday or more of a big event,” Bodenstein said. 

He’s not eating birthday cake (or pie) alone, though; in kindergarten, Bodenstein shared his pie-tastic birthday with four classmates. 

“We’re all still friends to this day, so it was just a really weird coincidence,” Bodenstein said. 

When his birthday does roll around, Bodenstein can count on The Sentry’s staff for a hilariously off-key version of Happy Birthday to You. When asked what he’s looking forward to at the moment, Bodenstein articulated his excitement for the traditions and camaraderie that come along with being a part of The Sentry’s family. We can only hope he’ll entertain The Sentry with his musical talent at our next class party. 

“I really want to be able to play the guitar. Currently, I already know how to play the piano,” Bodenstein said. 

The Sentry is ecstatic for tech wizard, musician and sailor Josh Bodenstein to join us this year. His zest for his interests and hobbies will make him a great classmate, and we’re sure his first year on staff will not disappoint.  

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About the Contributors
Josh Bodenstein
Josh Bodenstein, Instructional Technology Coordinator
Josh Bodenstein is a senior starting his third year on The Sentry’s staff. This year, Josh is aiming to expand The Sentry's podcast.  In his free time, you can find him sailing on the Potomac.
Olivia Pang
Olivia Pang, Reporter
Olivia Pang is reporting for the first time as a sophomore. She has previously worked on the yearbook at Williamsburg Middle School. She enjoys playing soccer in her free time as well as traveling the world with her family. Olivia has been writing for many years and is looking forward to continuing for The Sentry.
Celeste Wetmore
Celeste Wetmore, Head Editor
Celeste Wetmore is a senior returning for her second year on staff. She is serving as Head Editor this year. Outside of school, Wetmore enjoys tutoring kids and reading all types of books, although her secret joy is designing merch pieces for The Sentry. When she gets the chance to write, investigative news is her favorite genre of article.