Charlotte Cooke and Charlie Finn

Charlotte Cooke and Charlie Finn

Qdoba, Carrie Underwood and golf. These are junior Charlie Finn’s favorites. Finn will be returning to his second year as a reporter for The Sentry. As a hardworking writer, there is no doubt he is a solid member of The Sentry. When asked why he wanted to be on staff, he was eager to respond.

“My brother was an editor of The Sentry and it was his favorite class in high school,” Finn said.

This is what inspired him to join and he has loved it ever since. Finn also travels alongside his brother, as he traveled all over the world this past summer and truly got to experience the best of two different worlds.

“This summer I travelled to Scotland [to play] with the [Yorktown] golf team and also went to Guatemala to spend a week practicing my Spanish,” Finn said.

In addition to traveling, Finn keeps occupied by playing sports. Finn has a passion for golf, and plays on the Yorktown Golf team. This is his third year on the team. In addition to playing, Finn also enjoys watching golf. He even claimed that he would save his golf clubs first if his house was destroyed.

“I would grab my golf clubs because I always want to improve and if my house is destroyed then I can’t improve my game. Second thing I would probably grab [is] a nice blanket because blankets make you comfortable which makes it much easier to sleep. Lastly, I guess clothes because otherwise I would be buck naked on a street,” Finn said.

Although Finn enjoys playing golf, he admits that it is not his favorite sport to watch.

“My favorite sport to watch is football because when you watch football you watch it with your friends which can be a lot of fun. It is a really rigorous sport that looks really difficult and [it] is really difficult, so it’s really cool to watch people make awesome plays,” Finn said.

Finn enjoys watching America’s favorite sport and also enjoys eating fast food. Qdoba is a large chain of Mexican food similar to Chipotle. When asked about Qdoba, Finn was very enthusiastic to respond. Qdoba is his favorite fast food restaurant and loves the free condiments.

“[I typically order ] a burrito with chicken, white rice, queso, chunky salsa, cheese, sour cream, guacamole and lettuce with a Dr. Pepper or a coke. Qdoba has free queso, free guacamole and a free drink as well. It is a big bargain restaurant,” Finn said.

Away from Finn’s craving for Qdoba, he also enjoys listening to Carrie Underwood.

“‘Before He Cheats’ is a really good song and she has a really good voice and she would be a cool person to hang out with,” Finn said.

Finn is a funny and fun-loving person who will continue to thrive on The Sentry staff. With all of his extraordinary qualities, he will continue his hard work at The Sentry.



After taking years of digital photography, Charlotte Cooke has decided to take her craft to the school paper. Cooke, a senior, is easily recognizable and fun to be around with her big personality. Standing at 6’1”, Cooke is easy to track down in the hallway. Her reasons for joining The Sentry were derived from both personal interest and word of mouth.

“I just really wanted to be part of the newspaper and I heard good things about the class from my friends,” Cooke said.

Besides this, she was also recruited by The Sentry’s Teacher Advisor and personal headhunter.

“Freshman year I had Ms. Wiedemann and I really liked her class,” Cooke said. This is a common story throughout The Sentry community.

A strong addition to our staff, Cooke also applies her skills in other parts of the school community. She is an avid member of our crew team and will be helping to lead her boat back to Nationals this year.

“I row and would like to row in college. I love being on the water and competing,” Cooke said.

Cooke has other interests besides rowing. She is a member of the ASL Honor Society along with Best Buddies. She also loves to bake; in her free time, you can find her Cooke-ing anything from brownies to apple crisp.

“Apple crisp is probably my favorite thing to bake. It’s really rewarding when you finish and it’s not too unhealthy,” Cooke said.

Cooke is definitely not a slouch when it comes to healthy living. In order to maintain in shape through rowing season, Cooke works out constantly. Unlike other sports, Crew spans two seasons. The team works out all winter in order to perform their best when the competitive spring season comes. To top off her healthy lifestyle, Cooke always starts the day off right.

“My favorite section in the grocery store is the cereal section. It’s hard to name a bad cereal,” Cooke said.

On the contrary, she can definitely name a bad movie. A self proclaimed movie critic, one of Cooke’s favorite things to do is watch movies with her friends. Cooke’s love for movies started in her childhood.

“My favorite movie as a kid was probably all of the Disney movies. I really liked High School Musical,” Cooke said.

Cooke’s taste in movies has barely evolved since her child. She does not have a favorite movie; however, her favorite genre is still romantic comedy.

With all of this said, it is clear that Cooke will be an excellent addition to The Sentry staff. Even though Cooke is joining the staff as a senior, her expertise in Photography will certainly raise standards for years to come.

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