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Underrated CRF Courses

As the deadline approaches for Yorktown students to turn in their Course Request Forms, many students may not have found a class they really want to take.
As the deadline approaches for Yorktown students to turn in their Course Request Forms, many students may not have found a class they really want to take.
Bergen Romness

As the deadline approaches for Yorktown students to turn in their Course Request Forms (CRFs), many students may not have found a class that they will be happy in and passionate about, or may just have a free period that needs to be filled. Nevertheless, from the dark corners of the CRF, here is a list of underrated classes that may include a course that is the perfect fit for you.

Yorktown Classes:


Intro to Fashion/Interior Design

These two classes provide students with both skills and information that are essential in the highly competitive industries of fashion and interior design. For those interested in pursuing careers in these fields, Intro to Fashion and Interior Design (two separate classes) are great classes to gateway into further studies and jobs.


Intro Information Technology (IT)

Another course directed towards students looking to study specific careers is Intro to Information Technology (IT). Those who take this class will gain basic skills in IT and learn about the world of tech support and the various job options that can be pursued within it. Upon completing this course, students can continue into Advanced IT Study and even take part in dual enrollment courses for IT at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA).


Songwriting, Digital Audio, Music Theory

An extension of the renowned Yorktown Band Program, the Songwriting, Digital Audio and Music Theory course is directed towards those who have a passion for and some prior experience in music performance or composition. Students in this class are taught about music compilation, music theory and its application. This class also includes the usage of a Digital Audio Workshop (DAW) to create and mix students’ original work.


Advanced Placement (AP) Art History

For art students who are looking to expand their knowledge, AP Art History is the perfect course to learn about various pieces of art and their historical effects at an introductory college level. On top of gaining historical knowledge, AP Art History students will also learn how to analyze and examine artwork.



Yorktown’s Sociology course allows students to gain knowledge of the scientific study of sociology, which investigates groups of people and their impact on our individual lives. The class also studies societal issues such as racism, sexism, poverty and crime. From the class, students will learn how society impacts them and how they play a role in society themselves.


Career Center Classes:


Students also have the choice of attending classes at the Arlington Career Center during the school day. Each class at the Career Center is counted for two periods of the school day as students must travel by school bus from Yorktown to the Career Center.



At the Career Center, students have a wide range of classes in different disciplines and careers to choose from, one of which is Barbering. In this course, students learn about the scientific facts of the hair, skin and scalp and are taught industry tested techniques of barbering. The course also provides mannequins and live models upon which students can hone their hair cuttery skills.  


Forensic Science

For students who enjoy science and are looking to focus on career field involving crime, the Forensic Science course at the Career Center is the perfect class. With lots of college-level material covered in the class, students will learn the many different skills necessary in Forensic Science, ranging from DNA Analysis, assessing crime scenes and analyzing blood spatter patterns.


Aviation Technology

One of the coolest classes offered at the Career Center is the Aviation Technology class. For students interested in the field of aviation, this class teaches the essentials for being a pilot in many different capacities, which range from meteorology to aviation physiology. Participants in the class will also get the chance to fly planes in stationary and full-motion simulations and also take part in the flight of a real aircraft.

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About the Contributor
Joseph Ramos
Joseph Ramos, Co-Head Editor
Joseph is a senior and has been with The Sentry for three years. Outside of the paper, he plays for the school’s ice hockey team and volunteers with the Arlington Food Assistance Center. During the summer of 2019, Joseph was a student at the Medill-Northwestern Journalism Institute.