By Sydney Kane
Sentry Staff Reporter
Sophie Currie is basically a real life Violet from the Incredible. She’s shy and describes herself as a good listener, but has a very adventurous side that she thinks would land her in Gryffindor house. The number one thing on her bucket list is to skydive, and her superpower of choice is invisibility: both of which Violet has accomplished.
However, unlike Violet, Sophie is on the high school newspaper. This is her second year on staff and is looking forward to having it close out her senior year. The number one thing she is looking forward to this year is being one of the oldest people in school. While she’s sad that it’s her last year in high school, Sophie is looking forward to college and eventually nursing school.
According to her, her greatest achievement is her incredible multitasking ability.
“This summer I applied to college and took Economics all at the same time, which is really hard,” she said.
Also this past summer, Sophie flew out to Ireland to visit family, and if given the chance, she would love to go back.
In between school and homework, she runs for the outdoor track team, which she has been a part of every year. She also is a loyal member of Key Club. When she’s not doing a school-related activity, Sophie takes photos, a favorite hobby of hers.
When asked what she couldn’t live without, she almost immediately replied “gum,” while chewing some. Apparently it’s not often when you find her without it.
She says she brings organization and punctuality to the newspaper, as well as her fondness for the writing.
“I guess most people on the newspaper really like writing, but I really enjoy it,” she said.
By Sophie Currie
Sentry Staff Reporter
The world better look out for junior Sydney Kane, not only does she have beauty but also brains.
Kane was born in California. She lived there for nine years with her family before making her way to Arlington. She has had many travels, the most interesting of which was to Sydney, Australia.
Kane does many different things in her spare time. Although she is a reporter for the newspaper, she also thoroughly enjoys taking pictures in her free time.
Newspaper is a perfect fit for Kane, especially because of all the writing experience she has. English is her favorite class, and she even edits her peers papers on occasion. In the future she plans to continue her writing streak by studying English and education in college. Hopefully this will all help her in the road to her dream job of being an English teacher.
Kane defiantly adds a unique flare to the staff this year. She has been on staff since her freshman year and has enjoyed every minute of it. Now entering her junior year, she is as dedicated as ever and loves being a part of the paper. She is willing to do anything to make The Sentry a successful operation.
“I have the newspaper’s best interests at heart,” said Kane.
Kane’s favorite article that she has ever written was her first. The writing and interview process was very beneficial for her.
“It helped me make a lot of friends,” she said.
She has written many articles in the three years she has been on staff. She is a valuable and accomplished writer and will help bring success to the staff in the year to come.
Photo by Libby Boda