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Bouncers And Guest Lists: Inside The Hottest New Club At Our School

Bouncers And Guest Lists: Inside The Hottest New Club At Our School

The hottest, most exclusive club in Arlington is not where many would expect. If you want to get into our school’s library during Patriot Period, and you’re not on the door list, you might not want to spend your time waiting in a line to get in. There is a new, specific Google Form released for every Patriot Period that students can use to reserve a coveted spot in the library. This is compiled into a guest list that ensures entry for people who have signed up in advance.

“One of the places we hope [students] come [during Patriot Period] is the library … we have limited seating here, so we have a sign-up that is available on the Yorktown Library Canvas page,” Librarian Gwendolyn Nixon said.

Nixon says that students who are not currently a member of the Yorktown Library Canvas page can also access the guest list form on our school’s website.

The library has grown in popularity recently, which partly contributed to the library’s new sign-up system. People have found it the ideal place to host a club meeting, work on a project or just quietly study for their next test. While our school’s library is useful, there is only enough room for a limited number of students.

“We kind of realized that kids were missing out who were maybe coming from the third floor—it wasn’t really equitable to say first come, first serve,” Nixon said.

Some people may be able to get in if they wait in a long line outside the door, one that stretches across the atrium. A librarian/bouncer will let people in if they have space that is not already reserved by a club, or students who have signed up using the Google Form.

“If you want to guarantee that you get a spot, signing up online is a great way,” Nixon said.

The librarians at our school are always willing to help people find a book in the library, regardless of whether or not it is already reserved by clubs and students.

“My favorite part of being a librarian is you get to know all of the kids in the school. Unlike a classroom teacher, you don’t just know the ones that are taking your class,” Nixon said.

Our school has done a great job of using the library for more than just normal library activities.

“We are really lucky that the kids are comfortable with asking us for the space.… We just, for example, held a slime workshop where students were invited to come and make slime, so we try to do fun activities that are outside the box of just reading,” Nixon said.

Next time you go to the library or see a librarian in the hallway, be sure to thank them for all that they do. Our library is becoming a truly unique and cozy place that everyone can take advantage of.

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Ryan Pericak
Ryan Pericak, Reporter
Ryan Pericak is a junior reporter entering his second year on The Sentry. He plays varsity golf for our school and is active within the school community, serving on the Principal’s Advisory Board. He is looking forward to a great year.